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Practice leadership: time to STOP?


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A MAN is taking a walk through the woods. He sees a woodsman hacking away at a tree with an axe. The axe is clearly blunt and virtually bouncing off the trunk, but still - despite being exhausted, and with sweat dripping down his face and steam risingfrom his body-the woodsman perseveres."Why don't you sharpen your axe," asks the first man."Because I don't have time," answers the woodsman. "I'm too busy trying to chop down these trees with this blunt axe."It's a well-known little tale, but like all such parables it has survived because it has more than a grain of truth about it.After all, how many practice leaders and managers know that problems exist in their practice, but don't feel they have the time to fix them? Perhaps you keep losing more staff than you feel you should and can't understand why. Or maybe it's clear that morale in the team is low and staff are stressed, but you can see no option but for folks to buck up and get on with it. Or perhaps processes just keep breaking down and tasks are being missed, but no one really seems to know the cause.When things do go wrong, or even if you just can't help feeling they could be better, it is tempting to "double down"; to work harder and demand others around you to do the same. To swing the axe that bit faster.



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