首页> 外文期刊>BMJ: British medical journal >Reducing harm from alcohol The UK must tackle the problem of cheap alcohol

Reducing harm from alcohol The UK must tackle the problem of cheap alcohol


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The United Kingdom has a drink problem. Whether measured as alcohol related deaths, hospital admissions, or crimes, its condition has been deteriorating markedly. And the problem is not confined to a small number of people going on a binge each weekend. Mortality from cirrhosis, a marker of more insidious harm, is now one of the highest rates in Europe, at a time when it is falling in many other European countries.The reasons seem obvious. At a population level, consumption is driven by price, availability, and marketing. British supermarkets now sell beer more cheaply than bottled water. High street convenience shops, often only a short stagger apart, have entire walls lined with cheap alcohol. And alcohol producers-taking advantage of the latest advances in neurosciences that can, quite literally, read the minds of people they view as potential customers-have developed extremely sophisticated marketing techniques. Britain is awash with low price, heavily marketed alcohol.



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