首页> 外文期刊>BMJ: British medical journal >Corino de Andrade Neurologist who discovered and gave his name to a hereditary form of amyloidosis

Corino de Andrade Neurologist who discovered and gave his name to a hereditary form of amyloidosis


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While working at the Santo Antonio General Hospital in Porto (which had hired him as an unpaid neurologist to head the hospital's first department of neurology) Corino de Andrade noticed patients presenting with features that were characteristic of a peripheral neuropathy but did not fit any established clinical entity. During the next decade he came across dozens of similar cases and did extensive research on the epidemiology and pattern of transmission of this as yet unidentified disease.In 1942 the autopsy of one of his patients revealed the presence of an amyloid substance in several body tissues. This led him to describe a new hereditary amyloid polyneuropathy-particularly prevalent not only in the fishing areas of northern Portugal, but also in coastal regions of other countries, including Japan and Sweden. This familial amyloid polyneuropathy type I (Portuguese) also became known as Corino de Andrade's disease.



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