首页> 外文期刊>journal of cellular physiology >The dependence of pacemaker discharge ofAplysianeurons upon Na+and Ca++

The dependence of pacemaker discharge ofAplysianeurons upon Na+and Ca++

机译:The dependence of pacemaker discharge ofAplysianeurons upon Na+and Ca++



AbstractIn total absence of Na+some identified neurons ofAplysia, after a period of silence, resume pacemaker discharge in the normal pattern with normal action potentials, while other identified neurons remain silent. In absence of Ca++all pacemaker neurons increase spontaneous discharge and develop abnormal bursting patterns. Those neurons which discharge spontaneously in Na+free solutions show much less dependence on Na+and much greater dependence on Ca++for action potentials initiated by electrical stimulation than do those neurons which do not fire spontaneously in absence of Na+. In absence of both Na+and Ca++all neurons become inexcitable, but much more rapidly at higher temperatures.




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