首页> 外文期刊>journal of immunoassay >Effects of Different Radioligands on the Antigen Binding Specificity of Somatostatin Antisera

Effects of Different Radioligands on the Antigen Binding Specificity of Somatostatin Antisera

机译:Effects of Different Radioligands on the Antigen Binding Specificity of Somatostatin Antisera



The regions of the somatostatin (SRIF) molecule recognized by five antisera were systematically studied using three radioligands (125I-N-Tyr-SRIF, [125I-Tyr1]-SRIF and [125I-Tyr11]- SRIF) and SRIF analogs containing sequential substitutions with alanine or tyrosine. Antisera SA and moreso SB had N-tenninal specificity when used with [125I-Tyr11-SRIF but central molecular specificity when studied with the two N-terminal radiolabelled analogs. The N-tenninal and central specific populations of antibodies in antiserum SB were separable by immunoaffinity adsorption using immobilized [Tyr1]-SRIF. It is of practical significance that the same antiserum (SB) could be used with different radioligands to perform N-terminal and central specific Radioimmunoassay (RIAs). The central specific RIA detected SRIF-14 and SRIF-28 on an approximately equiraolar basis whereas the N-terminal specific RIA was selective for SRIF-14.




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