首页> 外文期刊>Physiotherapy theory and practice >Differential screen and treatment of vestibular dysfunction in an elderly patient: A case report

Differential screen and treatment of vestibular dysfunction in an elderly patient: A case report

机译:Differential screen and treatment of vestibular dysfunction in an elderly patient: A case report

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Background/Purpose Concussion sequelae in the elderly is under recognized and negatively impacts quality of life. Labyrinthine concussion (LC) is an uncommon diagnosis, as is multiple canal (MC) benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This case report highlights physical therapist (PT) evaluation and treatment of an elderly male misdiagnosed with LC and successfully treated for MC BPPV. Case Description A 72 year old male presented to his PT 23 days after falling off a ladder, resulting in a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Diagnosed with LC, he was referred to PT due to ongoing symptoms of "falling backwards," poor gait, and diminished mobility. PT examination revealed an atypical BPPV. Thus, the patient was treated in two PT visits, which included canalith repositioning techniques and neuromuscular reeducation. Outcomes The PT diagnosis was MC BPPV, including the right lateral and left posterior semicircular canals. Initial positive findings of Head Impulse Test, Bow and Lean Test, Dix-Hallpike, and Roll Test were negative on the last visit. Patient-Specific Functional Scale improved from 0 to 9.9 (10 being no limitations). The patient progressed from minimum assistance to independence in bed mobility, transfers, gait, and previous activities. Discussion The patient's presentation was atypical in signs and symptoms with a diagnosis of LC. PT examination and intervention successfully resolved the patient's signs and symptoms within two visits. Further research is needed regarding identification and treatment of elderly individuals with head injuries, such as MC BPPV, as well as the efficacy of a PT seeing patients shortly after mTBI.




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