
Generalized fine rings

机译:Generalized fine rings

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As introduced by Calugareanu and Lam in [G. Calugareanu and T. Y. Lam, Fine rings: a new class of simple rings, J. Algebra Appl. 15(9) (2016) 1650173, 18 pp.], a fine ring is a ring whose every nonzero element is the sum of a unit and a nilpotent. As a natural generalization of fine rings, a ring is called a generalized fine ring if every element not in the Jacobson radical is the sum of a unit and a nilpotent. Here some known results on fine rings are extended to generalized fine rings. A notable result states that matrix rings over generalized fine rings are generalized fine, extending the important result in [G. Calugareanu and T. Y. Lam, Fine rings: a new class of simple rings, J. Algebra Appl. 15(9) (2016) 1650173, 18 pp.] that matrix rings over fine rings are fine.




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