首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. >Estimates of economic and environmental damages from tipping points cannot be reconciled with the scientific literature

Estimates of economic and environmental damages from tipping points cannot be reconciled with the scientific literature

机译:Estimates of economic and environmental damages from tipping points cannot be reconciled with the scientific literature

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Tipping points reduce global consumption per capita by around ... 1.4 upon 6 °C warming, based on a second-order polynomial fit of the data - Dietz etal.(1). As Nobel laureate Solow said to Congress when criticizing economic models for failing to anticipate the "Great Recession," "Every proposition has to pass a smell test: Does it really make sense?" (2). The methods and conclusions in Dietz et al. (1) do not make sense. Earth last experienced 6 °C warming in the Eocene epoch, approx=40 million years ago (3). Asserting consumption would be just 1.4 lower with all tipping points breached, i.e., critical elements of the current climate destroyed-while also being much larger than today-is inconceivable, and impossible to reconcile with scientific literature (3-6). Dietz used the nonmarket damages function from the Model for Evaluating Regional and Global Effects (MERGE) of GHG reduction policies (7) as a "sensitivity check" (ref. 1, SI Appendix). MERGE does not include tipping points; how then can it provide a sensitivity check?




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