首页> 外文期刊>International journal of open source software & processes >Enhancing the Software Clone Detection in BigCloneBench: A Neural Network Approach

Enhancing the Software Clone Detection in BigCloneBench: A Neural Network Approach

机译:Enhancing the Software Clone Detection in BigCloneBench: A Neural Network Approach

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In the software system, the code snippets that are copied and pasted in the same software or another software result in cloning. The basic cause of cloning is either a programmer‘s constraint or language constraints. An increase in the maintenance cost of software is the major drawback of code clones. So, clone detection techniques are required to remove or refactor the code clone. Recent studies exhibit the abstract syntax tree (AST) captures the structural information of source code appropriately. Many researchers used tree-based convolution for identifying the clone, but this technique has certain drawbacks. Therefore, in this paper, the authors propose an approach that finds the semantic clone through square-based convolution by taking abstract syntax representation of source code. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the approach to the popular BigCloneBench benchmark.




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