首页> 外文期刊>Abdominal radiology. >Imaging congenital anomalies of the ileum in adults:a pictorial review

Imaging congenital anomalies of the ileum in adults:a pictorial review

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The ileal loops are anatomical location for the majority of congenital anomalies affecting the gastrointestinal tract. These include Meckel's diverticulum, ileal duplication, dysgenesis, atresia, mucosal diaphragm, and malposition of the ileum. Symptomatic lesions that often present with abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction or bleeding are usually diagnosed and treated during infancy and childhood. However, many of these congenital conditions may remain clinically silent and detected incidentally in adults undergoing radiological evaluation for unrelated medical reasons. This article presents the spectrum of the congenital ileal anomalies and their distinct features on small bowel examination and CT of the abdomen.


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