首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >The Arid Regolith of the Moon

The Arid Regolith of the Moon

机译:The Arid Regolith of the Moon

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Abstract In the original hypothesis of ice in lunar polar cold traps, it was presumed that meteoritic water acquired by the lunar surface would be concentrated in cold traps by exospheric lateral transport. That supposition is proven to be false by the absence of evidence of exospheric water in data obtained by the neutral mass spectrometer on the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft. The upper limit for exospheric water at the lunar surface, ∼3 molecules cm−3, is deficient by several orders of magnitude in accounting for transport of the present influx of meteoritic water to cold traps. The proffered process for removal of meteoritic water from the lunar regolith is solar wind sputter. This LADEE result does not rule out the possibly of past impulsive exospheric events like cometary impacts but does place a rigid constraint on the modern day water cycling.




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