首页> 外文期刊>International journal of ecohydrology and hydrobiology >Phytoplankton variation in an Amazon estuary with emphasis on the diatoms of the Order Eupodiscales

Phytoplankton variation in an Amazon estuary with emphasis on the diatoms of the Order Eupodiscales

机译:Phytoplankton variation in an Amazon estuary with emphasis on the diatoms of the Order Eupodiscales

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A B S T R A C T The Taperacu Estuary is distinct from other Amazonian estuaries due to the absence of significant fluvial discharge and consequent dominance of marine influence. The present study investigated the influence of physical-chemical variables on the composition and dynamics of the local phytoplankton and their spatiotemporal variation, with emphasis on the taxonomic analysis of the diatoms of the order Eupodiscales. During the rainy and dry seasons of 2013 and 2014, three sectors of this estuary were monitored over cycles of 24 hours. The samples were analyzed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Significant temporal and spatial differences were found in salinity, which was high ( > 32) in all the sectors. Turbidity and Chl-a concentrations were higher during the rainy period due to the increased input of water from the relatively small drainage basin of the estuary, as well as the material washed out of the soil of the adjacent mangroves. The local phytoplankton community was dominated by diatoms, which reached high abundances during the dry season. The local hydrodynamics determined the occurrence of benthic and/or tychoplanktonic species in the water column, including the Eupodiscales Hobaniella longicruris, Odontella aurita, and Zygoceros rhombus , while the high salinity recorded during the dry season favored the presence of Trieres species. The presence of high abundances of the benthic diatom Cymatosira belgica contributed to the observed high Chl-a concentrations and endorse the ecological importance of sediment resuspension processes and the consequent accumulation of phytobenthos cells in the water column in shallow estuarine Amazonian ecosystems. (c) 2021 European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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