首页> 外文期刊>journal of neuroendocrinology >Immunocytochemical Identification of Oestrogen Receptors in the Ovine Pars Tuberalis: Localization Within Gonadotrophs

Immunocytochemical Identification of Oestrogen Receptors in the Ovine Pars Tuberalis: Localization Within Gonadotrophs

机译:Immunocytochemical Identification of Oestrogen Receptors in the Ovine Pars Tuberalis: Localization Within Gonadotrophs



The pars tuberalis (PT) of the pituitary gland shows dense binding of melatonin and consequently this region may be involved in modulating seasonal reproduction. Oestrogen is well established as a critical gonadal steroid in controlling seasonally via its ability to alter luteinizing hormone (LH) release. Using immunocytochemistry techniques with antibodies specific for the oestrogen receptor (ER) and the ovine βLH (oβLH) subunit, we have identified large populations of ER‐immunoreactive (‐IR) and LH‐IR cells in the anteroventral region of the ovine PT. In contrast, few ER‐ or LH‐IR cells were identified in the anterodorsal or posterior regions of the PT. Double‐labelling experiments revealed that all ER‐IR cells in the PT are also immunoreactive for LH. These results show that cells immunoreactive for the ER are concentrated in the anteroventral aspect of the PT and that these receptors are located in the nuclei of the PT gonadotrophs. These results suggest that the anteroventral PT, a region which also expresses high melatonin binding, may be a site of integrated oestrogen and melatonin action on LH secret




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