首页> 外文期刊>journal of orthopaedic research >Exposure of cartilage to a fibronectin fragment amplifies catabolic processes while also enhancing anabolic processes to limit damage

Exposure of cartilage to a fibronectin fragment amplifies catabolic processes while also enhancing anabolic processes to limit damage

机译:Exposure of cartilage to a fibronectin fragment amplifies catabolic processes while also enhancing anabolic processes to limit damage



AbstractThe addition of fibronectin fragments to cultured cartilage causes an initial suppression of proteoglycan synthesis, induction of matrix metalloproteinases, and resultant decrease in proteoglycan content by about 50 during the first few days in culture. Because the proteoglycan loss appears to be limited, we investigated whether the fibronectin fragments induce anabolic responses that might counter the damage. The effects of various lengths of exposure of cultured cartilage to the fibronectin fragment on proteoglycan content, proteoglycan synthesis rates, stromelysin‐1 release, and tumor necrosis factor‐α, interleukin‐1α, and interleukin‐6 release were investigated. The results showed that about 7 days of exposure of cultured cartilage to the fibronectin fragment was required for maximal cytokine release, proteoglycan depletion, and stromelysin‐1 release. However, nearly maximal suppression of proteoglycan synthesis occurred within 1 day of the addition of the fibronectin fragment and, after its removal, the rates increased to supernormal levels. Decreasing exposure to 3 days caused only a small decrease in cartilage proteoglycan content, although stromelysin‐1 release still occurred. Decreasing exposure to 1 day caused an immediate increase in proteoglycan synthesis and an increase to supernormal proteoglycan contents. The effect of first treating cartilage with the fibronectin fragment for various periods and then allowing a recovery was to make the cartilage more resistant to secondary exposures. This study shows that cartilage damage can be caused by short exposures to the fibronectin fragment and that exposures either optimal or suboptimal for damage additionally amplify anabolic processes to make the cartilage resistant to further damage and, thus, condition it against pending amplificat




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