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Producing Through THICK and THIN

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By adding an in-line strip-thickness gauge, Dayton Tool ensures its stamped parts meet the tight tolerances demanded by automakers. "Automotive tolerances are becoming much tighter, and we do a lot of automotive here." 'Here' is Dayton Tool Co., Inc., Dayton, OH. The tool builder and stamper has sought out a dependable means to gauge material thickness--in a harsh environment--before stamping a part. Dave Jenkins, plant superintendent, believes he's found it in the T Gage from Original Systems Inc., also in Dayton. "If we have a part that requires a 0.001-in. thickness tolerance, it would be very difficult to run production manually," says Jenkins, whose company designs, builds and runs progressive, compound and other stamping dies. "If that print carries a tolerance, the customer means for its supplier to hold it. If not, part rejection follows. Rejections today are not good."




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