首页> 外文期刊>The FEBS journal >The transcriptional modulator Ifrd1 controls PGC-1 alpha expression under short-term adrenergic stimulation in brown adipocytes

The transcriptional modulator Ifrd1 controls PGC-1 alpha expression under short-term adrenergic stimulation in brown adipocytes

机译:The transcriptional modulator Ifrd1 controls PGC-1 alpha expression under short-term adrenergic stimulation in brown adipocytes

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Sympathetic tone activates the function of classical brown adipocytes, which constitutively exist in the brown adipose tissue (BAT), and inducible brown adipocytes (so-called beige adipocytes), which sporadically reside within the white adipose tissue (WAT). Here we identified the transcriptional modulator interferon-related developmental regulator 1 (Ifrd1) as a negative regulator of thermogenic and mitochondrial gene expression in brown adipocytes. Ifrd1 expression was markedly induced by cold exposure and administration of CL-316243 (a beta 3 adrenergic agonist) in interscapular brown adipose and inguinal subcutaneous WATs, but not in epididymal visceral WAT, in vivo. Adrenergic stimulation also induced Ifrd1 expression in brown adipocytes in a cAMP responsive element binding protein-dependent manner in vitro. CL-316243 injection markedly elevated thermogenic and mitochondrial gene expression, including peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1 alpha (Pgc1 alpha) in the subcutaneous WAT of Ifrd1 knockout mice compared with gene expression in wild-type mice. Pgc1a promoter activity enhanced by the transcription factor specificity protein 1 (Sp1) was markedly repressed by co-introduction of Ifrd1 in brown adipocytes, whereas the repression was markedly prevented by the addition of trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase inhibitor. Moreover, adrenergic stimulation induced complex formation between Ifrd1, Sp1 and mSIN3B, which is a component of the SIN complex containing histone deacetylase, in brown adipocytes. These findings, therefore, suggest that Ifrd1 could be a pivotal negative regulator of sympathetic regulation of thermogenic and mitochondrial gene expression in brown adipocytes by interacting with Sp1 and the mSIN3 complex.




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