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Electronic Gas-Spring Pressure Monitors

机译:Electronic Gas-Spring Pressure Monitors

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...bring processes under control for three completely unique applications: small-caliber bullet assembly, in-die resistance welding and deep drawing. Three different and unique applications-in-die assembly, in-die welding and deep drawing-all paint the same picture, illustrating how digital nitrogen-gas pressure monitors can improve quality and productivity. First, consider the U.S. Army's desire to build a better bullet, and the creative solution provided by its primary small -caliber supplier, Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, operated by Affiant Techsystems (ATK), Independence, MO. Lake City is the Army's largest supplier of small-caliber ammunition, the lone survivor among a supply chain that once numbered a dozen different companies. In the last several years- and particularly since 9/11-ATK has seen its production volumes jump to 1.4 billion small-caliber rounds/yr., tripling its output since 2000.




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