首页> 外文期刊>ethology >Seasonality of Mobbing Intensity in the Pinyon Jay

Seasonality of Mobbing Intensity in the Pinyon Jay

机译:Seasonality of Mobbing Intensity in the Pinyon Jay



AbstractIn the wild, pinyon jays (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) mob owls at all times of year, but our observations of wild birds suggested that the mobbing response was strongest during the breeding season. To test this, we placed four groups of five wild caught adult pinyon jays in environmental chambers during late autumn when their testes were regressed. These birds received photoperiods of 12, 12, 13 and 14 h for 30 days prior to being exposed singly to a live great horned owl (Bubo virginianus). Three groups of five birds were maintained under natural photoperiods in outdoor aviaries and were tested with the owl in Aug., Sep. and Nov. Birds on long artificial photoperiods mobbed more strongly than birds exposed to shorter photoperiods. The jays under natural photoperiods showed the opposite response: those tested in November mobbed significantly more strongly than birds tested in August. Jays with the weakest mobbing responses were molting, and those with the strongest responses seemed to be closest to reproductive readiness. There was no correlation between gonad size and mobbing intensity, but our results suggest a strong relationship between reproductive readiness and mobbing intensity in pinyon jays.




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