首页> 外文期刊>neurosurgery >Analysis of Brain Abscess after Penetrating Craniocerebral Injuries in Vietnam

Analysis of Brain Abscess after Penetrating Craniocerebral Injuries in Vietnam

机译:Analysis of Brain Abscess after Penetrating Craniocerebral Injuries in Vietnam



NA;A population of 1221 patients from the Vietnam War with penetrating craniocerebral trauma was analyzed. Thirtyhyphen;seven cases of brain abscess were documented lpar;incidence, 3percnt;rpar;. This sequela occurred more frequently in association with extensive, deep penetrating injuriessemi; deep, prolonged comasemi; cerebrospinal fluid fistulassemi; wound infectionssemi; faciohyphen;orbital cranialsol;air sinus injuriessemi; and retained bone fragments. The mortality rate was 54percnt;, and, of the patients who survived, 82percnt; had significant morbidity. This is the last large population study of brain abscess after penetrating craniocerebral trauma before the availability of computed tomographic scanning and more comprehensive coma care. It should serve as base line data against which we can measure improvement. lpar;Neurosurgery9colon;535hyphen;541, 1981rpar;




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