首页> 外文期刊>review of scientific instruments >Some highhyphen;pressure xhyphen;ray diffraction studies using beryllium gasketing on a diffractometer with rotating anode xhyphen;ray source

Some highhyphen;pressure xhyphen;ray diffraction studies using beryllium gasketing on a diffractometer with rotating anode xhyphen;ray source

机译:Some highhyphen;pressure xhyphen;ray diffraction studies using beryllium gasketing on a diffractometer with rotating anode xhyphen;ray source



The beryllium gasketing technique is employed in a highhyphen;pressure (0ndash;10 GPa) xhyphen;ray powder diffractometer using a NaI(T1) scintillation detector in conjunction with a highhyphen;brilliance rotating anode xhyphen;ray source. The beryllium gasket permits the use of a liquid pressure transmitting medium in the sample chamber giving rise to hydrostatic pressure conditions. This metal gasket also allows the use of softer CuKagr;radiation because of less absorption, thereby ensuring high resolution. The Be gasket is calibrated using sodium chloride and the equation of state (EOS) of strontium metal is measured up to 6 GPa using CuKagr;radiation in both the lowhyphen;pressure (fcc) and highhyphen;pressure (bcc) phases. However, for highhyphen;Zsamples like rare earths, MoKagr;radiation is employed to minimize absorption in the sample material. The highhyphen;pressure valence transition and the EOS of the rare earth alloy Ce0.92La0.08were studied up to 5.5 GPa. The ggr;rarr;agr; transition in this cerium alloy is smeared out as compared to pure cerium metal.




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