首页> 外文期刊>The Hydrographic journal >The Fruits of Peter the Great's Enlightenment. The Russian Contribution to Scientific Maritime Discovery in The Polar and Pacific Regions in the Age of Enlightenment

The Fruits of Peter the Great's Enlightenment. The Russian Contribution to Scientific Maritime Discovery in The Polar and Pacific Regions in the Age of Enlightenment

机译:The Fruits of Peter the Great's Enlightenment. The Russian Contribution to Scientific Maritime Discovery in The Polar and Pacific Regions in the Age of Enlightenment

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The rich contribution made by Russian maritime explorers to Polar and Pacific discovery and to scientific research in the Age of Enlightenment, as yet largely unacknowledged, ranks them with British and French explorers who have been given the international limelight. The Russian contribution which extends geographically from the Arctic throughout the temperate and tropical Pacific to Antarctica, was the direct result of Peter the Great's Enlightenment which resulted in Bering's explorations in Siberian waters and the Great Northern Expedition. This gigantic survey project not only paved the way for Cook and La Perouse in Arctic Pacific waters. It also laid the foundations for modern scientific researches by ships staffed with civilian scientific experts, which it has wrongly been suggested, was begun by Bougainville and Cook whose work on the transit of Venus, Russian scientists in fact helped. This article briefly describes the nature of the Russian Enlightenment; its effect on maritime discovery; the Titans of scientific maritime exploration it produced in the Golden Age of Russian discovery by sea; the range of contributions Russian explorers made to scientific discovery, and the end which came with the demise of the Age of Enlightenment. This short lived period in Europe when human reason was valued and used to expand scientifically based knowledge of the world, and to discover truth for the sake of truth, was replaced by the Age of Romanticism which preferred sensibilities to the intellect, and political ideologies and political activism based on those sensibilities. The change in sentiment which is marked in England by Wordsworth and Coleridge who confused"seeing the light" with "being enlightened", is reflected in Russian literature by Leo Tolstoy's "Fruits of the Enlightenment" where the intelligentsia have become mystics.




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