首页> 外文期刊>International association of theoretical and applied limnoloy >δ~(13)C signatures of chironomids in arctic lakes: Role and direction of benthic-pelagic coupling

δ~(13)C signatures of chironomids in arctic lakes: Role and direction of benthic-pelagic coupling

机译:δ~(13)C signatures of chironomids in arctic lakes: Role and direction of benthic-pelagic coupling

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Coupling of benthic and pelagic food webs is currently not well understood. However, recent developments in stable isotope technology have provided a powerful tool for such studies. France (1995) showed that littoral benthic communities were relatively uncoupled from pelagic productivity, reflecting a carbon isotope signature similar to surrounding terrestrial plants. A recent ~(13)C whole-lake enrichment experiment has shown that much of pelagic bacterial production is supported by allochthonous dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (Pace et al. 2004, Kritzberg et al. 2004). The importance of various food sources in the diets of benthic invertebrates is not well understood despite considerable study. Recent research with stable isotopes indicates that larval Chironomus often utilize methanogen/methanotroph bacterial assemblages (Bunn Boon 1993), but the extent of use varies with Chironomus species (Grey et al. 2004). In this paper we (1) examine the spatial distribution of chironomid δ~(13)C in nearshore and offshore areas of arctic lakes; (2) test whether differences observed between chironomid taxa were due primarily to a lake sediment effect or a species effect; (3) estimate the range of methanogen/methanotroph bacterial carbon incorporated into tissues under the various conditions; and (4) investigate whether resuspended benthic material in a turbulent arctic lake was incorporated into pelagic zooplankton via these bacteria.




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