
Taken for Granted


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Many know the old saying that goes, "for lack of a nail, the king's horse lost a shoe, and the battle was lost." Similarly, without support equipment operations can be slowed, if not stopped.Say "mining" to almost any individual and a fairly short list of images can be visualized. The stars of the industry, including the 360-st trucks, 100-st cable shovels, or hydraulic excavators, always seem to be in the spotlight getting the attention. Most of the time, this attention is well deserved. After all, where would the world-class mines be without the developments of these units? That said, where would these units be without the direct and indirect support of the smaller pieces of on-site equipment? They are not only directly involved with the in-pit equipment-support roles, but also with the general day-to-day mine site operations. In most instances, a mine is a self-contained operation. For instance, if a road needs to be graded, the mine ha to do it, and not all roads lead directly to the pit. Support equipment can be divided into a number of general areas, including service, construction, and utility.



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