
Overuse of Pulmonary Function Tests: A Cohort of 'Superusers'


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To the Editor: Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are an important test for evaluating patients with pulmonary symptoms, assessing bronchodilator response, risk evaluation prior to thoracic surgery, and monitoring disease progression and response to therapy. Previously there have been concerns raised about the overuse of PFTs. This led us to evaluate the outcomes directly attributed to PFT results for a group of patients with the highest number of PFTs at our institution, which we refer to as "superusers." This was a single-center study conducted at the University of Florida between January 1, 2000, and June 30, 2020. All subjects who had >=14 PFTs/year performed were identified as "superusers" for this investigation. To assess the clinical impact, if any, of the superuser PFTs, we examined the following the outcomes: surgical procedure, referral to lung transplant, bronchoscopic procedure, hospitalization, medication change, pulmonary consultation, referral for pulmonary rehabilitation, and right heart cathe-terization. We also compared the relative rate at which superusers obtained PFTs compared with non-superusers using a linear model of regression. Analyses were performed with JMP, version 14.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).



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