首页> 外文期刊>Physical review, C >Analysis of elastic and inelastic scattering of Ne-20 on Ge-76 at 306 MeV

Analysis of elastic and inelastic scattering of Ne-20 on Ge-76 at 306 MeV


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Angular distributions of the differential cross section for Ne-20 + Ge-76 elastic and inelastic scattering at energy 306 MeV are analyzed in the framework of the optical model. The analysis is performed using the coupled-channels mechanism by taking into account the effect of the low-lying states, 0(+) and 2(+) for the projectile Ne-20 (E-ex. = 1.634 MeV), target Ge-76 (E-ex. = 0.563 MeV) nuclei, and their mutual excitation (2(+), 2(+)). Results are obtained with the conventional phenomenological Woods-Saxon potential and three different semimicroscopic potentials using the double folding model. Two real cluster potential models are calculated based upon the cluster structure of Ne-20 nucleus as 5 alpha and alpha + O-16. For the sake of comparison, the real of the density-energy-dependent CDM3Y6 potential is considered. The imaginary part for the three real potentials is treated in a standard Woods-Saxon form. The calculations show that the experimental data can be reproduced successfully with a scale factor close to 1. The coupled channels have a weak effect on the elastic scattering with significant differences in calculations of the volume integrals and the total reaction cross sections compared to the available previous study for this reaction. Other future studies are, therefore, required.




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