首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Update of pneumococcal PCR serotyping assay for detection of a commonly occurring type 19F wzy variant in Brazil

Update of pneumococcal PCR serotyping assay for detection of a commonly occurring type 19F wzy variant in Brazil


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In this era of effective pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, simple and inexpensive methods are desirable for determining capsular serotype (st) distributions. Although a multiplexed conventional PCR (cmPCR) approach is generally reliable (1-4) (updates at www.cdc.gov/ncidod/biotech/strep/pcr.htm), the key serotypes 19A and 19F have presented problems (5, 6). The wzy19A- and wzy19F-encoded oligosaccharide repeat unit polymerases puta-tively provide the basis of the structural difference between the stl9A and stl9F capsules (7). Recently, we reported an stl9F isolate recovered in Canada (strain 2584-0819F) that yielded a false-positive cmPCR type 19A (cmPCR-19A) result and a false-negative cmPCR-19F result (5). We redesigned our stl9A primers in order to avoid further false-positive PCR-19As.




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