首页> 外文期刊>review of scientific instruments >Microcomputerhyphen;controlled system used in timehyphen;resolved EXAFS technique

Microcomputerhyphen;controlled system used in timehyphen;resolved EXAFS technique




A microcomputerhyphen;controlled system was built to measure 100hyphen;mgr;shyphen;resolved EXAFS (extended xhyphen;ray absorption fine structure) of dynamic systems. We designed a charge integrator to integrate xhyphen;ray absorption signals and a gate circuit to control the time and interval of integration. Since the xhyphen;ray source is synchrotron radiation pulses, it is important to time the integration interval with the synchrotron radiation pulse clock. An Apple II microcomputer is used for the circuit control as well as the data acquisition. The computer is also interfaced with a CAMAC crate to operate the monochromator and other standard EXAFS instruments in synchrotron radiation laboratories. The electronic design of this system is described in this paper.




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