首页> 外文期刊>Drug discovery today >Senotherapeutics for mesenchymal stem cell senescence and rejuvenation

Senotherapeutics for mesenchymal stem cell senescence and rejuvenation


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? 2022 Elsevier LtdMesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are susceptible to replicative senescence and senescence-associated functional decline, which hampers their use in regenerative medicine. Senotherapeutics are drugs that target cellular senescence through senolytic and senomorphic functions to induce apoptosis and suppress chronic inflammation caused by the senescence-associated secreted phenotype (SASP), respectively. Therefore, senotherapeutics could delay aging-associated degeneration. They could also be used to eliminate senescent MSCs during in vitro expansion or bioprocessing for transplantation. In this review, we discuss the role of senotherapeutics in MSC senescence, rejuvenation, and transplantation, with examples of some tested compounds in vitro. The prospects, challenges, and the way forward in clinical applications of senotherapeutics in cell-based therapeutics are also discussed.



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