首页> 外文期刊>scientific research and essays >Economic benefit and ecological efficiency of integrated fish farming in Nigeria

Economic benefit and ecological efficiency of integrated fish farming in Nigeria


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abstract_textpThe population of people living in Nigeria has risen tremendously in recent years with its corresponding increase in demand for food. Thus, there is the need for a suitable agricultural system to meet this increasing demand and also maximize the utilization of the available limited resources without much wastage integrated fish farming offers hope in this direction. This system of farming was introduced into the country some years back, its uniqueness, lies in the fact, that it has capability of combining fish culture with live stock and crop production. Its economic benefits in the enhancement of food production and self sufficiency are thoroughly discussed. Its significance in making various types of food available all the year round as well as making farmers self reliant and occupied most time of the year sets it apart from all other systems of farming. Its ecological importance which are often overlooked by farmers i.e. manure loading, nutrient cycling and productive capacity of ponds, are critically analyzed. This ecological consideration is of paramount importance in integrated fish farming in that it allows recycling, and maximum utilization of resources without wastage. Suggestions, therefore, have been made on how integrated fish farming can be ecologically sustained./p/abstract_text



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