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Effect of Snehapana (Internal Oleation) On Lipids : A Critical Review


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The Snehana (internal oleation) is a major preparatory procedure to be performed before Sodhana (purification). The entire procedure of Sodhana (purification). depends upon the proper mobilization of humors (Doshas) from the periphery (Sakha) which is to be achieved with the help of Snehana (Oleation) and Svedana (Sudation therapy). Currently physicians practice purificatory internal oleation (Shodhanartha Abhyantara Snehana) by their methods depending upon individual experience and expertise. If Snehana (internal oleation) is not done properly, it definitely affects the Sodhana Karma (purificatory Therapy) afterwards and also chances of complications such as hyperlipidaemia. Hence, it is obligatory to start and increase the dose of Sneha (lipids) in appropriate judicious way considering the Digestive fire (Agni) nature of bowel habit (Koshtha) of the subject. There is a fear in the medical fraternity and the patients that oral intake of lipids may lead to an increase in the biochemical parameters especially the lipids. So in order to remove this misconception, here an attempt is made to critically review in the light of classical references and modern research findings.



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