首页> 外文期刊>ancient science of life >An ayurvedic management of chronic nonhealing ulcer in buerger's disease w.s.r. to gambhira vatarakta: A case study

An ayurvedic management of chronic nonhealing ulcer in buerger's disease w.s.r. to gambhira vatarakta: A case study


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Buerger's disease is associated with ulcers in the extremities with the possibility of amputation. The prevalence of the disease among all patients with peripheral arterial disease ranged 5-10. Heavy cigarette smoking has been implicated the main etiology and only treatment that has been shown to be effective is complete abstention from smoking. In spite of this, the disease progresses in up to 30 of cases and finally results in limb amputation. Here, it is a case report of a 45-year-old male patient who came with complaints of severe pain and nonhealing arterial ulcer over the right great toe for 3 months with a diagnosis of Buerger's disease. The present case scenario is clinically correlated to gambhira vatarakta, owing to the margavaran.a (obstruction) pathology and managed effectively with manjis.t.hadi ksarabasti (Medicated enema), raktamoksa?a (bloodletting), and samana aus.adhi (oral medications) which hoarded him from amputation.



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