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Sexuality as a couple when faced with cancer: female perspective


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abstract_textpIntroduction: In Western society, a couple's sexuality is increasingly becoming an indicator of its survival. What is the effect then when something as disruptive as cancer affects a person's sexual and family life? How does this affect a relationship which up to that point has been an intimate one? In an attempt to explore how treatments effect family relationships, two situations were investigated side-by-side; the first was women being treated for a gynaecological cancer and the second related to women whose partner was being treated for prostate cancer. This allowed answers to these questions to be provided by exploring the perspectives of women towards their sexuality and their relationships in light of disease./ppMethodology: Open or semi-guided individual interviews carried out in accordance with anthropological methods./ppPopulation: 30 women with uterine cancer, being treated with high-dose radium therapy on an outpatient basis and monitored for two years, and 10 partners of men being treated for prostate cancer with external radiotherapy. Average age 58 years./ppResults:/ppFor women with cancer, treatment and the disease are the primary focus (treatment type, radioactivity, fear of relapse). They only think about their sexuality when they are "free" of all treatments and when they are in the follow- up stage;/pp- For partners of male patients, sexuality and wellbeing of the partner are the two primary "areas" raised during interviews./ppThe relationship to the other differs: for patients, one must "confront" and try to explain to partners the physical consequences, whereas wives of patients adopt a recurrent theme surrounding their sexual life based on an "I understand" approach.../ppWhen the body is in pain, the effect of how the body is viewed is felt immediately, whereas when it is the body of a spouse that is in pain, how the body is viewed has less significance than how one acts towards the other. The sick body, that one can touch, that one is allowed to touch, and how it is viewed is shown to be a factor of a new type of sexuality./ppConclusion: The primary effect when cancer affects the sexual organs is the effect on sexuality and therefore the stability of the couple. This is variously accepted depending on whether one is the patient or not; and whether one is male or female. This "differential valency of the sexes" as Francoise Heritier calls it, finds its context in a socio- cultural approach to sexuality: society impressing on the individual how sexuality and married life should be viewed, which is revealed here through the female perspective. Similar research should certainly be conducted in men in order to counterbalance this research and to evaluate the male perspective in similar situations./ppResearch conducted with finance provided by the Cancer League./p/abstract_text



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