首页> 外文期刊>Physical review, D >Neutrino masses and scalar singlet dark matter

Neutrino masses and scalar singlet dark matter


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We propose a simple extension of the Standard Model (SM) which has a viable dark matter (DM) candidate and can explain the generation of tiny neutrino masses. The DM is an electroweak (EW) singlet scalar S, odd under an imposed exact Z(2) symmetry, that interacts with the SM through the "Higgs portal" coupling, while all other particles are even under Z(2). The model also has an EW isospin 3/2 scalar. and a pair of EW isospin vectors Sigma and Sigma(-), which are responsible for generating tiny neutrino mass via the effective dimension-seven operator. Thanks to the additional interactions with Delta, the scalar singlet DM S survives a large region of parameter space by relic density constraints from WMAP/Planck and direct search bounds from updated LUX data. Constraints on the model from the LHC are also discussed.



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