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A user-centred evaluation of DisCERN: Discovering counterfactuals for code vulnerability detection and correction


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Counterfactual explanations highlight actionable knowledge which helps to understand how a machine learning model outcome could be altered to a more favourable outcome. Understanding actionable corrections in source code analysis can be critical to proactively mitigate security attacks that are caused by known vulnerabilities. In this paper, we present the DisCERN explainer for discovering counterfactuals for code vulnerability correction. Given a vulnerable code segment, DisCERN finds counterfactual (i.e. non-vulnerable) code segments and recommends actionable corrections. DisCERN uses feature attribution knowledge to identify potentially vulnerable code statements. Subsequently, it applies a substitution-focused correction, suggesting suitable fixes by analysing the nearest-unlike neighbour. Overall, DisCERN aims to identify vulnerabilities and correct them while preserving both the code syntax and the original functionality of the code. A user study evaluated the utility of counterfactuals for vulnerability detection and correction compared to more commonly used feature attribution explainers. The study revealed that counterfactuals foster positive shifts in mental models, effectively guiding users towards making vulnerability corrections. Furthermore, counterfactuals significantly reduced the cognitive load when detecting and correcting vulnerabilities in complex code segments. Despite these benefits, the user study showed that feature attribution explanations are still more widely accepted than counterfactuals, possibly due to the greater familiarity with the former and the novelty of the latter. These findings encourage further research and development into counterfactual explanations, as they demonstrate the potential for acceptability over time among developers as a reliable resource for both coding and training. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).



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