首页> 外文期刊>journal of minimal access surgery >Retroperitoneal approach for robot living donor nephrectomy: A step-by-step description of technical nuances

Retroperitoneal approach for robot living donor nephrectomy: A step-by-step description of technical nuances


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Open, pure or hand-assisted laparoscopic, natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgical (NOTES) and robotic approaches (Transperitoneal or retroperitoneal) are the described approaches for living donor nephrectomy. We describe the procedural steps of a robotic living donor nephrectomy (RLDN) retroperitoneal (RRLDN) technique using a da Vinci X surgical system and three robotic arms. This is the first reported case with the retroperitoneal robotic approach. The procedure in brief is as follows. First, with the patient placed in full flank position, the camera port is placed at the level of the Petit's triangle apex. Retroperitoneal space is created by turning the index finger in a 180 degrees movement through this port and a gloves balloon. The second 8mm port was inserted, 8 cm far from the first port, The peritoneum is reflected medially and downward off of the transversus abdominis muscle laparoscopically, respectively along the anterior and posterior axillary line; 3-5 cm caudally to the last one, a 12 mm AirSeal (R) assistant port is placed in the same manner. Only then, the port is placed under direct vision. The robotic ports placement will result in a caudally convex arc. This technique, due to the extensive use of the surgeon index, implies fast access to the retroperitoneum, protects the underlying anatomical structures from damage, and, due to the trocar positioning along an arc, lowers the arm conflict risk.



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