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Persistent Maritime Quantum Key Distribution


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This report summarizes the findings of the whole project, whose purpose is to identify and develop suitable techniques for quantum secure communications over maritime environment. The focus is on overcoming the absorption, multi-scattering, turbulence, and background radiation that commonly exist in maritime atmospheres, To this end, this project executed experimental and theoretical research in the following three areas: comparison analysis of wavelengths for maritime quantum communications using a laboratory testbed; theoretical studies on entanglement transmission and optimal coding thereupon; experimental demonstration of entanglement generation and detection in the optimized modes. This report provides technical details in those three research areas, which aggregately point to a viable wavelength channel for maritime quantum communications around 3.95 micron. Comparing with existing wavelength choices in the visible or near infrared spectra, this new wavelength offers unmatched advantages in overcoming multi-scattering, turbulence, and heat scintillation.




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