首页> 美国政府科技报告 >In-situ Surface X-ray Scattering Measurements of Electrochemically DepositedBismuth on Silver (III): Structure, Compressibility, and Comparison with Ex-situ Leed Measurements

In-situ Surface X-ray Scattering Measurements of Electrochemically DepositedBismuth on Silver (III): Structure, Compressibility, and Comparison with Ex-situ Leed Measurements




We report in-situ surface X-ray scattering measurements of the structure andcompressibility of electrochemically deposited Bi monolayers on Ag(III) and compare the in-situ structure with results from previous ex-situ experiments on emersed electrodes, where the structure was studied with low-energy diffraction (LEED). We find that the Bi monolayer forms an unusual structure: a two-dimensional rectangular lattice is uniaxially commensurate with the hexagonal Ag (III) surface along the Ag211 direction. There are two Bi adatoms per rectangular unit cell and one adatom is displaced from the centered-rectangular position by approx. 0.25a along the commensurate direction. The displacement shortens two of the Bi-Bi near-neighbor bond distances but lengthens two others and may reflect the tendency toward covalent bonding in Bi. With increasing coverage (Decreasing applied potential), the Bi monolayer compresses uniaxially along the incommensurate direction Ag011, which preserves the uniaxially commensurate structure.



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