首页> 外文OA文献 >P569Diastolic dyssynchrony is associated with exercise intolerance in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophyP570Echocardiographic pattern of acute pulmonary embolism, analysis of consecutive 511 patientsP571Clinical significance of ventricular interdependence and left ventricular function in patients with pulmonary hypertension receiving specific vasodilator therapyP572Haemodynamic characteristics and ventricular mechanics in post-capillary and combined pre- and post-capillary pulmonary hypertensionP573Relationship between hematological response and echocardiographic features in patients with light chains systemic amyloidosisP574Myocardial changes in patients with anorexia nervosaP575Giant cell arteritis presenting as fever of unknown origin: role of clinical history, early positron emission tomography and ultrasound screeningP576Subclinical systolic dysfunction in systemic sclerosis is not influenced by standard rheumatologic therapy - a 4D echocardiographic studyP577Cardiac index correlates with the degree of hepatic steathosis in obese patients with obstructive sleep apneaP578Myocardial mechanics in top-level endurance athletes: a three-dimensional speckle tracking studyP579The athlete heart: what happens to myocardial deformation in physiological adaptation to sportsP580Association between left ventricle intrinsic function and urine protein-creatinine ratio in preeclampsia before and after deliveryP581Dilatation of the aorta in children with bicuspid aortic valveP582Cardiovascular functional abnormalities in patients with osteogenesis imperfectaP583Dobutamine stress test fast protocol: diagnostic accuracy and securityP584Prognostic value of non-positive exercise echocardiography in the patients submitted to percutaneous coronary interventionP585The use of myocardial strain imaging in the detection of coronary artery disease during stress echocardiographyP586Preserved O2 extraction exercise response in heart failure patients with chronotropic insufficiency: evidence for a central cardiac rather than peripheral oxygen uptake limitationP587Major determinant of O2 artero-venous difference at peak exercise in heart failure and healthy subjectsP588Stress echocardiography with contrast perfusion analysis for a more sensitive test for ischemic heart diseaseP589Assessment of mitral annular physiology in myxomatous mitral disease with 3D transesophageal echocardiography: comparison between early severe mitral regurgitation and decompensated groupP590Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic assessment of the mitral valve geometry in patients with mild, moderate and severe chronic ischemic mitral regurgitationP591Left atrial appendage closure. Multimodality imaging in device size selectionP592Contributions of three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in the evaluation of aortic atherosclerotic plaquesP593Agitated blood-saline is superior to agitated air-saline for echocardiographic shunt studies

P569Diastolic dyssynchrony is associated with exercise intolerance in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophyP570Echocardiographic pattern of acute pulmonary embolism, analysis of consecutive 511 patientsP571Clinical significance of ventricular interdependence and left ventricular function in patients with pulmonary hypertension receiving specific vasodilator therapyP572Haemodynamic characteristics and ventricular mechanics in post-capillary and combined pre- and post-capillary pulmonary hypertensionP573Relationship between hematological response and echocardiographic features in patients with light chains systemic amyloidosisP574Myocardial changes in patients with anorexia nervosaP575Giant cell arteritis presenting as fever of unknown origin: role of clinical history, early positron emission tomography and ultrasound screeningP576Subclinical systolic dysfunction in systemic sclerosis is not influenced by standard rheumatologic therapy - a 4D echocardiographic studyP577Cardiac index correlates with the degree of hepatic steathosis in obese patients with obstructive sleep apneaP578Myocardial mechanics in top-level endurance athletes: a three-dimensional speckle tracking studyP579The athlete heart: what happens to myocardial deformation in physiological adaptation to sportsP580Association between left ventricle intrinsic function and urine protein-creatinine ratio in preeclampsia before and after deliveryP581Dilatation of the aorta in children with bicuspid aortic valveP582Cardiovascular functional abnormalities in patients with osteogenesis imperfectaP583Dobutamine stress test fast protocol: diagnostic accuracy and securityP584Prognostic value of non-positive exercise echocardiography in the patients submitted to percutaneous coronary interventionP585The use of myocardial strain imaging in the detection of coronary artery disease during stress echocardiographyP586Preserved O2 extraction exercise response in heart failure patients with chronotropic insufficiency: evidence for a central cardiac rather than peripheral oxygen uptake limitationP587Major determinant of O2 artero-venous difference at peak exercise in heart failure and healthy subjectsP588Stress echocardiography with contrast perfusion analysis for a more sensitive test for ischemic heart diseaseP589Assessment of mitral annular physiology in myxomatous mitral disease with 3D transesophageal echocardiography: comparison between early severe mitral regurgitation and decompensated groupP590Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic assessment of the mitral valve geometry in patients with mild, moderate and severe chronic ischemic mitral regurgitationP591Left atrial appendage closure. Multimodality imaging in device size selectionP592Contributions of three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in the evaluation of aortic atherosclerotic plaquesP593Agitated blood-saline is superior to agitated air-saline for echocardiographic shunt studies

机译:P569DiaStolic Dyssynchrony与患有左心室血液高效患者的锻炼性不耐受急性肺栓塞模式,分析肺动脉高血压患者心室相互依存和左心室功能的连续511例患者分析,患者患者患者毛细血管分析并结合毛细血管肺炎患者血液响应和超声心动图特征的预毛细血管肺动脉高压和毛细血管肺炎术患者患者厌食症患者患者的血液学响应和超声心动图。系统硬化症中的收缩功能障碍不受标准风湿病治疗的影响 - 4D超声心动图STOPYP577心脏指数与肥胖睡眠Apneap578Myocardial机制在顶级耐力运动员中的肝脏病变程度相关:三维散斑跟踪STOPYP579运动员心脏:心肌变形在生理调整中的心肌变形,左心室内部功能之间的运动量和诊断的准确性,并在患者提交经皮冠状动脉非正运动超声心动图的securityP584Prognostic值:在之前并与患者的骨生成imperfectaP583Dobutamine压力测试快速协议叶主动脉valveP582Cardiovascular功能异常儿童主动脉deliveryP581Dilatation后先兆子痫尿蛋白肌酐比干预措施,使用心力学超声术治疗冠状动脉疾病检测心肌菌株在心力衰竭患者中冠状动脉疾病中的使用Qufibess:中央心脏的证据,而不是外周氧气摄取限制,心力衰竭和健康主题SP588静脉内超声心动图的峰锻炼中O2动脉差异的差异,具有对比灌注分析,对近视二尖瓣缺血性心脏病的缺血性心脏病的更敏感性分析。疾病与3D异口管超声心动图:早期严重二尖瓣流动和失代偿的血清瓣膜瓣膜瓣膜几何学患者的肝硬化,中度慢性缺血二尖瓣术术患者的比较。器件尺寸的多模成像选择P592的三维经细胞激素超声心动图在主动脉动脉粥样硬化PLAQUESC593致血液中的评估中的血液 - 盐水优于超声心动图分流研究的搅拌空气 - 盐水



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