

Over the last couple of hundred years we have pursued an experiment,it is anrnexperiment which sees how far we can go on our own, to the exclusion of all other life on earth, a selfish course,a course has led towards an increasingly human-centric world,through opportunistic designs that have generated more and more technological and industrial solutions in response to the challenges of living on earth. It is ultimately,a lonely course to take,lacking vitality, harmony and comfort that come from being amongst other beings i want to suggest that there is a much more interesting alternative direction on offer, if only we choose to look. But if we look,we soon recognize that we need a new map to guide us forward on our journey. Around the world, that journey is just starting,some of the scenery is very familiar, and some is not and needs much better mapping.There is a clear choice, one is to continue with business as usual and trust that we can work through the problems with mare and more industrialization,the other is to choose to start with the new map in order to provide ourselves with a better sense of direction, and to get that direction we need to be guided by Nature.



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