首页> 外文会议>2009年中国控制与决策会议(2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference)论文集 >Evolutionary Intelligence and Complexity Management in Social Economic Systems

Evolutionary Intelligence and Complexity Management in Social Economic Systems




In this paper, we propose a simple yet e.ective theoretical model for the evolutionary threshold public goods game with binary contributions (each individual makes decision to contribute a fixed donation amount or nothing), incorporating the e.ect of the collective risk. In order to investigate the evolutionary dynamics of the collective cooperative behavior, we analyze the population dynamics represented by the replicator equation. The result shows that high risk rate can enhance the emergence of social cooperation as well as the provision of public goods. Besides, other elements can also promote the cooperation, such as large initial endowment, small threshold, large cost of cooperation below the baseline of each cooperator, and large group size. In addition, our model can lead to rich dynamics. Scenarios of defection dominance, cooperation and defection bistable, cooperation and defection coexistence, and cooperation dominance may appear successively with the change of parameters.



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