
Reports of Focus Group Discussions: Group C ― The Role of the Teacher


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The scenarios contain many common features, and highlight the key features of how the future teacher's role is supported by ICT. ICT adds complexity to the possibilities of teaching but it can also change the need for teacher control by supporting self directed learning and greater individualisation of programmes. Networks afford the sharing of ideas amongst teachers and growth in the sense of community, which provides a good model for students' learning. Teachers need new competencies in ICT and in developing students' learning skills, but learners' access to a variety of learning sources - human and virtual - means that each individual teacher does not need all competencies. As learners have more choice about programmes, teachers need to gain their authority through evidence of pedagogical expertise. There will be a stage during which they need to challenge students' and parents' expectations of traditional teaching approaches. They should balance the emphasis on pedagogy and on technology, making informed decisions on the resources to be deployed. They need to have time to fulfil their roles effectively, including managing the complexity in the task of teaching; this is an issue for leaders/decision makers to address. Whilst there are changes in the roles of individuals involved in teaching, it could be argued that the characteristics of a good teacher of the future would encompass much of what we expect of a good teacher of the present day. In order to be successful, teachers or teaching teams in the future should consider and reflect on how ICT can modify, enhance or transform these traditional teacher roles. They may be required to: 1. act as learning strategists who can identify pathways for individual learners; 2. select appropriate resources, including sources of pedagogical expertise in subject specialisations; 3. know how, when (and when not) to intervene; 4. develop students' generic skills including learning how to be independent learners and contribute to their progressive understanding of subject content in the context of rich learning tasks; 5. in relation to desired learning outcomes, design tasks, produce and select resources (including ICT where appropriate) and provide additional support, taking into account/according to learners' abilities and learning styles; 6. motivate learners through demonstrating enthusiasm for learning and for the subject content involved; 7. demonstrate and promote consistent values and attitudes; 8. be open to innovation in pedagogy, take risks and continue to be life long learners; 9. be closely connected within the team, and to learners, other colleagues and society.
机译:这些方案包含许多共同特征,并突出显示了ICT如何支持未来教师的角色的关键特征。信息通信技术增加了教学可能性的复杂性,但它也可以通过支持自主学习和更大程度的课程个性化来改变对教师控制的需求。网络提供了教师之间的思想共享和社区意义上的成长,这为学生的学习提供了一个很好的模型。教师需要在信息通信技术和发展学生的学习技能方面具有新的能力,但是学习者可以使用多种学习资源(人为和虚拟),这意味着每位教师都不需要全部能力。由于学习者对课程有更多选择,因此教师需要通过教学专业知识的证明来获得权威。他们将需要一个阶段来挑战学生和家长对传统教学方法的期望。他们应该在对教学法和技术的重视之间取得平衡,对要部署的资源做出明智的决定。他们需要有时间有效地履行职责,包括管理教学任务中的复杂性;这是领导者/决策者要解决的问题。尽管参与教学的个人角色发生了变化,但是可以说,未来优秀教师的特征将涵盖我们对当今优秀教师的期望。为了获得成功,未来的教师或教学团队应考虑并思考ICT如何修改,增强或转变这些传统的教师角色。他们可能被要求:1.充当学习战略家,可以为单个学习者确定途径; 2.选择适当的资源,包括学科专业的教学专业知识的来源; 3.知道如何,何时(何时不)进行干预; 4.培养学生的共通能力,包括学习如何成为独立的学习者,并在丰富的学习任务中促进他们对学科内容的逐步理解; 5.关于预期的学习成果,设计任务,制作和选择资源(酌情包括信息通信技术)并提供额外的支持,同时考虑/根据学习者的能力和学习方式; 6.通过表现出学习热情和所涉及的学科内容来激励学习者; 7.展示和促进一致的价值观和态度; 8.对教学法持开放态度,敢于冒险并继续终身学习; 9.与团队,学习者,其他同事和社会保持紧密联系。


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