
Trends and progress of low-chill stone fruit breeding


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Breeding towards the development of commercially acceptable low-chill stone fruit began almost 100 years ago in California. Since then, mainly through work done in the USA (California, Florida, Texas) and Brazil (Pelotas, Sao Paulo), and later in Mexico and South Africa, a solid base of low-chill peach and plum germplasm has been developed. With the emergence of commercially useful varieties and a global produce market wanting a year round supply of stone fruit, additional programs were initiated in Asia and Australia in the 1990s. At present, most of the commercial low-chill varieties available are yellow-fleshed peaches and plums, both with high acidity in their flesh. Much work needs to be done, not only to improve upon the current varieties but also to expand the harvest season and types of stone fruit available for growers in these mild winter areas. It is essential that the low-chill varieties mimic the range of fruit types (flesh colours, shapes, acidity), quality (high soluble solids, post harvest qualities), and adaptabilities (disease and pest resistance, tolerance to heat, drought, salt, calcareous soils) that are found in their high-chill cousins. This will involve much introgression work to extract these traits from the high-chill germplasm but, given a solid base of low-chill germplasm, this work should progress relatively rapidly. Thus, even though it took almost 100 years to develop the solid base of commercially useful germplasm, given the current efforts being expended and the demands of the global produce market, I expect that the varietal offerings for the low-chill zones of the world will increase manifold over the next 25 years.



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