
Modified Work Program: Why Bother?




Modified work programs have been used for many years. Despite much research to prove their value, many companies still ask the question: “Why bother?” The benefits of modified work programs for employers include reduced Workers Compensation Board (WCB) costs, reduced time lost from work, lower supplemental hiring and training costs, the ability to retain experienced employees, and maintain a positive company image. A successful modified work program shows commitment to employees and enables the company to keep experienced workers for their skills and knowledge, as well as ensure the employees’ continuous contribution to the company’s success. The goal of a modified work program is to return the injured employee to the workplace and assist them in maximizing their full potential within the company. Occupational rehabilitation studies and programs show that employees who are engaged in some form of paid work recover almost twice as quickly as employees left to recover on their own. The longer an employee is off work because of an injury, the less likely they are to return to their preaccident job. A modified work program provides the employee with increased opportunities for a full and speedy recovery while maintaining income. Such programs also provide the benefits of an early and safe return to work, a lower risk of reinjury, job security, continuity of earnings, and the ability to maintain contact with coworkers. This paper examines the elements of a modified work program, the benefits for both the employer and employee, an inventory of modified work positions, program reporting and documentation, levels of modified positions, and roles and responsibilities. Further topics include achieving buy-in from all levels of the organization. This paper also examines the cost and benefit analysis of a modified work program to demonstrate why it is financially beneficial for companies to “bother.”



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