首页> 外文会议>ITS America annual meeting and exposition >The Potential Role that Transportation Systems Management and Operations Can Play in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The Potential Role that Transportation Systems Management and Operations Can Play in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions




Global warming, brought about increased greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations, is a significant threat to the planet. Transportation activities account for 28% of all GHG emissions in the U. S. Recent climate change literature has focused on three primary strategies for reducing GHG emissions from the surface transportation sector - improving the fuel economy of vehicles, reducing the carbon content of the fuel used, and decreasing the amount of driving or Vehicles Miles Traveled (VMT). This paper addresses a fourth strategy - improving the operational efficiency of the surface transportation network through the implementation of transportation systems management and operational (TSMO) strategies and the supporting ITS technologies. The potential benefits of TSMO for reducing GHG emissions and adapting to climate change are discussed along with several issues (e.g., need for models and analytical tools to estimate GHG reductions, potential for latent demand resulting from improved roadway efficiency).



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