
AMSAT Fox-1 Engineering Documentation Update

机译:AMSAT Fox-1工程文档更新



AMSAT, as an educational organization, would like to publicly release the majority of our designdocumentation to serve as a learning tool to anyone interested in satellite development. However,this must be done in a specific way to meet the ITAR requirements. The information must first bereleased via an openly available publication. We would also like to be able to discuss our satelliteprojects with our own members, some of whom are not "US-persons" per ITAR. These AMSATSpace Symposium proceedings provide a convenient mechanism for the needed publication inorder to make this information public domain and allow us to communicate with our members.While many of the Fox-1 documents were published in the Proceedings of the AMSAT-NA 30thSpace Symposium and AMSAT-NA Annual Meeting and the Proceedings of the AMSAT-NA 31stSpace Symposium and AMSAT-NA Annual Meeting, some of these documents have undergonechanges as the satellite design has progressed and evolved therefore the updated versions will bereproduced in these 2014 Space Symposium proceedings. In addition, these proceedings alsopresent any new engineering documents that have been produced since the last publication.Through publication in the three proceedings, the majority of the design documentation has nowbeen introduced to the public domain.
机译:作为教育机构,AMSAT希望公开发布我们的大部分设计 文档,作为对卫星开发感兴趣的任何人的学习工具。然而, 必须以特定的方式完成此操作以满足ITAR的要求。该信息必须首先是 通过公开发布的版本发布。我们还希望能够讨论我们的卫星 由我们自己的成员参与的项目,根据ITAR,其中一些不是“美国人”。这些AMSAT 空间专题讨论会会议录为所需的出版物提供了便利的机制 为了使此信息成为公共领域并允许我们与我们的会员进行交流。 虽然许多Fox-1文件在AMSAT-NA 30th会议录中发表 空间专题讨论会和AMSAT-NA年会以及AMSAT-NA第31届会议论文集 空间专题讨论会和AMSAT-NA年会,其中一些文件已经通过 随着卫星设计的进步和​​发展而变化,因此更新的版本将是 转载于这些2014年太空研讨会论文集。此外,这些程序也 展示自上次出版以来产生的所有新工程文件。 通过在这三个程序中发布,大多数设计文档现在已经 已引入公共领域。



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