首页> 外文会议>International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University (RTU) Section of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry >Changes in the Biochemical Composition of Tomato Fruit Under the Influence of Illumination Quality

Changes in the Biochemical Composition of Tomato Fruit Under the Influence of Illumination Quality




Tomatoes are one of the most consumed vegetables in the world. Unfortunately, obtaining a high quality tomato yield in our latitudes is inconceivable without additional lighting. Changes in biochemical composition are mainly dependent on the light received by the plant. During winter months, natural daylight at 55° latitude is insufficient for fruit-bearing vegetables. The aim of this study is to investigate the changes in the biochemical composition of tomato fruits if less conventional lighting methods are used. This approach could offer potential energy savings by providing higher levels of biologically active substances in tomatoes. The study was conducted in a greenhouse at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies during the 2018-2019 winter season 2018-2019, using a 16-hour photoperiod. LED, induction, and high pressure sodium lamps (as control) were used in the study. These lighting devices, with some differences, simulate daylight. Three tomato cultivars: 'Diamont F1', Encor F1', and 'Bahano F1' were studied. The study included tomato yield and the following biochemical parameters: soluble sugars (BRIX), vitamin C, organic acids, lycopene, carotenoids, phenols, and flavonoids. As expected, the yield and species-specific pigment content of tomato fruit is largely dependent on the genetics of the variety. On the other hand, biologically active compounds such as organic acids, soluble sugars, vitamin C, and flavonoids undergo more changes due to the composition of light. The obtained biochemical parameters give an opportunity to consider different illumination methods. It is needed to carry out further studies in order to confirm the conclusions. Significantly higher yields were observed if conventional high pressure sodium lamps were used. But it also should be noted that, if LED lamps were used, higher content of lycopene, phenols, and vitamin C were observed.
机译:西红柿是世界上最常用的蔬菜之一。不幸的是,在我们的纬度获得高质量的番茄产量是不可想象的,而无需额外的照明。生物化学组合物的变化主要取决于植物接收的光。在冬季,在55°纬度的自然日光对于果实蔬菜不足。本研究的目的是探讨番茄果实生化组成的变化,如果使用较少的常规照明方法。这种方法可以通过在西红柿中提供更高水平的生物活性物质来提供潜在的节能。该研究是在拉脱维亚生命大学的温室,2018 - 2019年冬季冬季2018 - 2019年的技术,采用了16小时的光周期。在研究中使用LED,诱导和高压钠灯(作为对照)。这些照明设备有一些差异,模拟日光。研究了三种番茄品种:'Diamont F1',Endor F1'和'Bahano F1'。该研究包括番茄产量和以下生化参数:可溶性糖(Brix),维生素C,有机酸,番茄红素,类胡萝卜素,酚和黄酮类化合物。如预期的那样,番茄果实的产量和物种特异性颜料含量在很大程度上取决于各种遗传学。另一方面,由于光的组成,生物活性化合物如有机酸,可溶性糖,维生素C和黄酮类化合物经历了更多的变化。获得的生化参数举办了考虑不同的照明方法的机会。需要进行进一步的研究以确认结论。如果使用常规的高压钠灯,则观察到显着提高产量。但还应该注意,如果使用LED灯,则观察番茄红素,酚和维生素C的较高含量。



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