
Biofilm Effluent Polishing for Removal of Recalcitrant Organics




With increasing pollution of rivers by trace industrial and household chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and greater demands for water, the difference between effluent polishing and water treatment is diminishing. Biofilm reactors are increasingly used to treat industrial effluents with difficult components, which have not been effectively removed by the conventional activated sludge types of processes. The reactors have biomass active even at very low concentrations of the target organics, rendering the reactor more efficient for removing trace toxic compounds in water and wastewaters. Biofilm processes are of interest in water and effluent treatment due to their low energy chemical free requirements. Results of on-going research on use of a biofilm process to treat simulated effluents as well as to polish a papermill secondary effluent containing difficult to biodegrade chloroorganics, with pentachlorophenol (PCP) as the target recalcitrant molecule, are reported here. Studies were carried out at several residence times, with analysis of PCP and its metabolites, as well as the biodegrading cultures. The biofilm process has been found very effective for treatment of waters containing PCP, and polishing the papermill effluent, resulting in removal of chloroorganics, by biodegrading them in the oxic and anoxic layers of the biofilms. Biodegradation mechanism studies showed that removal of PCP was by adsorption followed by biodegradation, with biodegradation occurring via reductive dechlorination that was made possible in the anoxic bottom layers of the biofilms.



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