
Halobutyl for pharmaceutical stoppers and seals


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Exxon halobutyl polymers are used worldwide for pharmaceutical stoppers and seals. The intrinsic high gas and moisture barrier, chemical inertness and cleanliness (low level of additives and impurities) of Exxon Halobutyl Polymers make them the natural choice for pharmaceutical stoppers and seals applications. Pharmaceutical stoppers and seals are currently used in a wide range of applications including injection vials, infusion bottles, pre-filled syringes, medical devices, freeze-dried product containers, blood and biological sample collection tubes etc. The advance of drug development (e.g. new generations of antibiotics) and health-care standard have led to ever higher cleanliness requirement of the packaging material that comes into contact with the medicine during its storage. For drug manufacturers to approve the usage of any stopper it must pass a series of stringent tests, depending on the packaged drug. Due to the fact that Chlorobutyl and Bromobutyl polymer can be cured using low amount of 'clean' curative, stoppers made using Halobutyl enjoy a high degree of commercial success. However, new generation of antibiotics as well as new industry standard (e.g. China) has challenged stopper manufacturers to pursue even higher degree of cleanliness. In this presentation we will share with you some of our recent efforts to further improve the drug compatibility performance of pharmaceutical stoppers made using Exxon halobutyl for meeting the very stringent drug turbidity standard of China. The paper also discussed about formation mechanism and factors that affect drug turbidity. The importance of polymer type and curative used for achieving good drug compatibility will be highlighted by actual drug turbidity study of various stoppers with Pioneer #5 antibiotic.



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