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Lifting Transformational Models of Product Lines: A Case Study


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Model driven development (MDD) of software product lines (SPLs) merges two increasing important paradigms that synthesize programs by transformation. MDD creates programs by transforming models, and SPLs elaborate programs by applying transformations called features. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a transformational model of a product line of scalar vector graphics and JavaScript applications. We explain how we simplified our implementation by lifting selected features and their compositions from our original product line (whose implementations were complex) to features and their compositions of another product line (whose specifications were simple). We used operators to map higher-level features and their compositions to their lower-level counterparts. Doing so exposed commuting relationships among feature compositions in both product lines that helped validate our model and implementation.
机译:软件产品线(SPL)的模型驱动开发(MDD)合并了两个日益重要的范例,这些范例通过转换来合成程序。 MDD通过转换模型来创建程序,而SPL通过应用称为特征的转换来精心设计程序。在本文中,我们介绍了标量矢量图形和JavaScript应用产品线的转换模型的设计和实现。我们解释了如何通过将所选功能及其组成从原始产品线(其实现复杂)提升到另一产品线(其规格简单)的功能及其组成来简化实现。我们使用运算符将​​较高级别的要素及其组成映射到较低级别的对应要素。这样做暴露了两个产品线中要素构成之间的通勤关系,这有助于验证我们的模型和实现。



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