首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机应用研究》 >JavaServlet模式的WebGIS性能优化研究




This paper discussed the predominance and method of using Java Servlet mode to implement WebGIS. Designed a WebGIS system based on Java Servlet mode and implemented with GeoServer and OpenLayers. The quality of server side performance would affect directly user experience at the client side, studied hence WebGIS server side performance and put forward a variety of solutions for performance optimization, including JVM (Java virtual machine) performance tuning, the establishment and improvement of cache server, and using tmpfs (a memory-based file system) to save cache pictures, etc. Designed a series of tests to analyse and compare the results. Studies show that these solutions can effectively improve server performance, and are economic, simple, convenient, and highly practical.%探讨了使用Java Servlet模式实现WebGIS的优势与方法,采用GeoServer与OpenLayers结合的方式设计并实现了一种Java Servlet模式的WebGIS系统.由于服务器端性能的优劣直接影响到客户端用户的使用和体验效果,因此对WebGIS服务器端性能问题进行了深入研究,提出了JVM(Java虚拟机)性能调优、建立并改进缓存服务器、使用tmpfs(一种基于内存的文件系统)存储缓存图片等从根本上解决服务器端性能问题的一系列方案,同时设计了一系列实验分析比较性能优化的效果.研究结果表明,这些方案能有效提升服务器端性能,且经济、简单、方便,具有重要的实用价值.



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